What’s this nonsense?! A new page?! After how many years?!
I don’t want to raise hopes or tease you about the possibility of regular updates, but I am slowly trying to get this Back Office chapter done before I put the story on haitus again. Didn’t seem right to just leave it with a captured Karen distraught about Mike’s death as the last page for ages.
Yet again, due to good news I still haven’t had time to get back to regular web cartooning and I’m still trying to get my new manga project actually published as it’s own stand-alone book. That might actually mean that I one day might get to share an English version with everyone (right now it’s only available in Norway, and in Norwegian).
This is also a test page, as you’ll notice I have screentones on this. This is how I usually work with the pages, even back in the day with early Back Office and Bata Neart. I’m trying this out to see if it’s OK quality.
I *will* make more Back Office pages, but undortunatly I can’t promise a time yet. But I am commited to at least finishing this page.I hope it won’t take long.