A new Back Office, and a new villain too 😀
His design sort of came out of nowhere, and I’m still trying to work out his name, but i’m hoping that you’ll enjoy him.
I’ll admit now as well, that flanking him with bikini-clad girls is a little ‘fan-servicey’ but something about this scene gave me a bit of a Bond Villain vibe. Classic Bond Villains seemed to sometimes have beautiful women with them, with a reveal that they turn out to be just as evil and dangerous (given by their attempts to kill Bond).
Will this be the case here as well? You’ll have to wait and see 😀
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! What fresh hell is this?
I’m convinced that more brain cells are killed by team-building activities than by alcohol and hard drugs combined.
😀 Funny you should say ‘What fresh hell is this?’
That’s exactly what I say every-time I encounter stuff like this 😀
Given the choice between one of these Team Building retreats, and Working at my lousey job. I think I’ll skip all this fun, and work. Actully if they do anything, it’s create an even bigger divide amongst co-workers.
Amen Wolf! That’s why I tend to give them a miss, especially when they happen during what is normally my free time! (weekends etc…)