Years back, while working in the Call-Center for a well known British internet and phone provider, myself and few colleagues would sometimes have a few tricks to get rid of difficult customers. One classic tactic was to get the customer to unhook the connection between their router and the main phone point out of their house. Unfortunatly for them, that usually also resulted in the phone that they were using to lose connection(!). Ahh….evil, evil days….
Karen’s instructions to her customer are sort of born from that trick.
Have you every thought of a funny way to disconnect a customer?
Depending on how complicated a product you’re supporting, you can grab logs and tell them that you will analyze them and get back with them tomorrow. That buys you a day. The next day you can call in sick…
Ahh, the Sick Day Shuffle. An oldie…but a goodie 😀
Press the red button on your phone.
Nice one!
@Thisguy: Line dis-connection, a call agent’s best friend. Hope you enjoy reading the rest 🙂
We used to be able to transfer callers to the line that held the hold music.
Amazing comic. I just found it, now to finish my archive run.
@Roger: Glad to see another fellow call-center victim reading here 😀 I hope you enjoy.