Good thing that Hula Aoife already had the time/space settings of the party programmed into it. There’s nothing suspicious about that all…..not in the slightest….
Good thing that Hula Aoife already had the time/space settings of the party programmed into it. There’s nothing suspicious about that all…..not in the slightest….
I dunno, I’d have been more surprised if Aoife didn’t know the space time coordinates of a big party with cute girls in bikinis.
Well, they may not be war rockets, but helicopters ain’t half bad.
@Kessy: You’ve got a point there. Hula Aoife is keyed into the time vortex where she’s likely to focus on something that’s: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey, Teeny-Weeny……..Bikini……
Is her baby wearing an Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini?
@Farren: I can confirm that. There have also been reports that she may have been afraid to come out to the water…
Volkswagen Beetle–better floor it.
@Delta: Since it’s a VW it’s in kilometers per hour, not miles. I think it can manage 88 kph. 😉
@Kessy: True, but it won’t break any records getting there. ^^
Records? Where they’re going they won’t need records.
Sorry, couldn’t resist. ^_^