Hmm…explosive moonwalkling. I think some more mood-music is in order for this week:
…and with that, it’s time for me to be bad…yet again.
It’s time for another update break alas. I’m sorry yet again, but there’s very little option. There’s no more buffer, meaning that I’m struggling to complete pages in time for Monday, but in addition I’m drawing pages for the next installment of the Coffee Party project which is due soon. I need to use that time to get pages done ahead of the deadline, and without a buffer Back Office needs to stop for those weeks while I work on them.
Once that is out of the way I hope to dedicate all of my drawing time to Back Office for the remainder of these final pages. I wanted to at least get to this page so that I could set the scene for what will happen after the break.
I will beg your patience yet again, and ask for you to return on
Monday 14th of September
for the next instalment.
Again, I’m sorry for this, and I hope to make up for it with the explosive finale of this story.
No sweat, if it has to be, I may not be excited to go without new updates, but I won’t be upset about it. ^^
Thank you for your understanding Delta 🙂 There’s some pages coming up that I’m excited about drawing, and I really don’t want to wreck them by doing a rush-job. This week’s page for example was a rush-job and was finished a handful of hours before it was due to go up. I think I could have done a better job if I wasn’t in such a hurry.
I’m knuckling down on the Coffee Party work in order to get it done and out of the way. Once that happens, I can put all of my time into drawing Back Office pages in the run-up to the finale, which I hope will be the worth the truly ridiculous wait.