Summer time! Time for warm weather, days at the beach….and my annual comic flake-out.

Yes, my update buffer has gone straight to the wall again and I need to rebuild it while getting my energy back for the next drive into the heart of the current story. I’m sorry for this, I really am. I hate breaking up the normally regular flow of updates (especially during one of my favorite scenes), but life has made it so that I need to stop and give myself breathing space.

So for this week and next, the main story will take a short break and return again on Friday 23rd of August 2013.

Until then, as way of compensation for your awesome patience, please enjoy this summer scene with the girls, which is actually Bata Neart’s entry into United Webcomic’s Summer Special. Please follow the link to check out the other entries too!

Please come back on the 23rd to follow the continuation of the Camogie scene, and Chapter 4.