Hello and welcome to yet another Retro Flashback page! By which I mean another page where I compare New vs. Old Bata Neart pages.

Before I continue, please see the older page that today’s update is based on:



This page is kind of a contrast when it came to re-making it. For one, I made some horrendous art mistakes in the original. Just look at the frame with Sharon pointing and yelling. Even back then I knew that was bad!! However, I always liked the dialogue, and so I hung onto it.

The pages coming up make up one of my favorite sequences in Bata Neart so far, however I’m afraid that you’ll have to wait a bit for them.

I must apologize, and kindly ask for your patience again. In the past couple of months, my normally healthy update buffer has been obliterated by holidays and overtime at work. I’m now down to finishing pages a few hours before updating and that tends to drag down page quality.

So, I would like to give Bata Neart a 2 week break while I catch up. Again, I’m sorry for doing this. In my own pathetic way of trying to compensate, I will post up Bata Neart’s entry into the United Webcomics Summer Special.

There -after, I hope to make a solid run for the end of this chapter.