Welcome to Ashford’s local ‘Star’ shop πŸ˜€

Ashling’s mother runs this outlet of it, while Ashling herself get’s to work there part-time whenever she is free from school.

The ‘Star’ logo and branding is my re-tooling of a Pan-European chain of shops named ‘Spar’. Spar shops appear in many Western Europe nations including Ireland and here in Norway where I’m based.. I chose Spar to mimic, mostly because it is so wide-spread in Ireland. Few towns in Ireland exist with out a Spar shop nearby. My old hometown of Leixlip once had 3 within a square kilometer of each other.

I suppose you could compare it to 7-Eleven in the US. Sooner or later you’ll encounter one πŸ™‚

However, that all said, the real-life Ashford doesn’t seem to have one (typical huh?), so I’ve co-oped a Chinese restaurant to act as the ‘Star’ shop in Bata Neart’s Ashford.

Ashford’s ‘Star’ Shop

Now, for a bit of personal news.

For the past two weeks I have been on another holiday away (I don’t often take time off, but when I do, it’s in batches like this), during which I became engaged to Anna (someone I often consider to be Bata Neart’s executive director). The resulting break in my drawing schedule has resulted in my buffer being halved. Also with an upcoming Emergency Booze Cruise, I’m afraid that I am to forced to suspend one update to keep things going.

Thus Bata Neart will not update next Friday, but on the following Friday instead. Again, I’m sorry about yet another break, and I thank you all for your incredible patience.