A little bit of domestic drama, just to keep things fresh ๐Ÿ˜€

Rebecca is in general a very good mother to Ashling, and although it appears strained here, I wanted it to appear that their relationship was generally a good one.



I more or less left the original page intact, but divided the script over two pages like I had done before.

In the original, and in the new version I had 3 goals to achieve.

  1. Show Ashling’s frustration at her mother’s interference.
  2. Show that her mother’s interference was coming from a good place.
  3. That Ashling had a job working in her mother’s shop.

The last point is going to run into the next scene. Ashling’s mother runs a local grocery shop and she often finds herself being employed ย as a weekend / holiday shop-assistant.

More on that, next Friday.