Unlucky Friday the 13th and times up for the girls…and I guess we can now see why Áine takes them so seriously….but are they ready?

Next week, the final page of this chapter…

In the meantime…an interesting personal first in my cartooning life just happened….

Nao had recently uploaded last year’s Coffee Party manga onto Pixiv as a free-to-read webcomic. What is interesting here is that Nao separated the English and Japanese versions (we usually just print one version with both languages in the speech-bubbles).

Although this is probably no big deal to most others, for me this is the very first time that comic pages I’ve made have appeared entirely in another language. Added to that is the fact that this in Japanese, which for a brief moment makes it feel like I’ve made some “real” manga pages. It’s a wonderful feeling, and I’m really glad Nao did this. If you are curious, click the link above to reach the manga (the English version is up there too).