Welcome back after the break, and what’s this? New characters?! Surely not! It was about time to flesh out the population of Ballinafil a bit more, and so I’d like you all to meet two characters I have been wanting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
CH09 - Witch School?
The Teenage Brunette Who Shall Not Be Named? Who on Earth could that be? ;D That’s 5 updates, next Friday Bata Neart will take a break and will return again on: Friday 22 June 2018 See you then 🙂
Huh…I guess we’re going for a flashback then…I wonder what we’ll find out this time… Now for something slightly different: Jepp, something actually possesed me to list Bata Neart on one of these hosting sites. So for now at least[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh crap. It’s not a very good time to be young I guess…. Oooo PS, if you were ever curious about what I get up to with Coffee Party: Click the image above and you’ll be brought to Nao’s Pixiv[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They’ve got to either fight them or let them drain the very youth out of them…which you just know doesn’t sound good.
Unlucky Friday the 13th and times up for the girls…and I guess we can now see why Áine takes them so seriously….but are they ready? Next week, the final page of this chapter… In the meantime…an interesting personal first in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And alas with this cliffhanger, we leave the girls for now and end Chapter 9. Shockingly I actually managed to stick to my goal of containing chapters into 20 pages, for both Bata Neart and Back Office! The buffers have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…