I hope everyone is holding out ok. I promise that Gary isn’t responsible for this lockdown purgatory…but frankly it would be exactly his style. I’m sorry that my hiatus this year happened at the same time as a global lockdown, but both comics are coming back soon to hopefully help a little with the possible boredom of being stuck inside.

I wanted to do a little tribute here, since although I try to draw fictional heroics, it is easy to forget what real bravery looks like, especially when it is all around us. Around the world a huge group of actual heroes are facing death everyday for all of us. They deserve our support and what they are doing now should not be forgotten or ever undervalued.

So here is my own silly tribute of an under-qualified teenager in what I’m guessing is a stolen uniform…but my hope is that it’s the thought that counts πŸ™‚

2 weeks until new Bata Neart and Back Office. Keep an eye on the new countdown-ticker on the right column πŸ™‚ Bata Neart comes back on Good Friday.

Take care of yourself and others, follow the expert advice, and look forward. As myself and Anna often say when life becomes crap, “This too shall pass…”