NB! Japanese format! Reads Right to left!

I’m pretty pleased how this one turned out πŸ˜€ (And I rarely am with my pages).

The first panel is kind of the ‘heart’ of the manga and is designed to serve as a pivotal moment in the story.

…oh yes and some foreshadowing of an antagonist too…

Part 9: New paper, New structure.

Among some of the more unwise moves in my cartooning ‘career’, we I had started drawing I had never really settled on a standard page format. You may or may not have noticed, but way back in the very early Bata Neart pages in Chapter 1, some of the original pages that survived the final cut (from 2005/6) have a very different shape to the later pages. This was mostly down to me not making up my own mind about the format I was using. Mostly I would just use a typical A3 sheet, for Bata Neart pages (and flipped sideways for Back Office) and apply a 1-2 cm ‘gutter’ to the outside of the sheet. But this measurement would change depending on the paper used.

This would come back to bite me hard when I started work on the first Back Office book, which required a huge amount of reformatting before I could print.

Thought this course, Nao introduced me to the standard B5 manga page format, and finally; a stadard I could follow. From the A3 block sheets I usually use, I took the measurements of a standard B5 Manga page and proceeded to ‘make’ some manga paper for me work. This would become my new standard.

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 21.59.48

Nao’s notes on my plan for this page. If you look carefully you will see the boundary of the manga page.

Nao instilled 2 pages disciplines into me. First, to limit the amount of time I break out of the page boundry (because I love to do that), but also: to avoid drawing into the book-spine.

This should be obvious, but it wasn’t for me. When drawing a page you really need to avoid the middle of your two-page spread, because that is were your paper will sort of ‘sink’ into the middle of the book (your know, the bit where you glue the pages in). If you look at the page I put up there, you’ll notice that I tried to stay clear of the area in the right. In the previous page, I stayed clear of the area in the left for the same reason.

And so now, thanks to Nao, I have this mindset well fused into my mind. So much so, that future Back Office and Bata Neart pages will follow this design standard. (I’ll discuss this a little more in coming pages)

Next week, more of that Skeleton guy, and Manga Inking: How Awesome, How terrifying