We enter further into this dark flashback.
Strangely enough, although I’ve written out this scene and it’s conclusion, I have not written much about it’ background yet. That’s still kind of open. Why did these girls tie-up the ghost girl? What motivation do they really have for being so cruel to her? These I think I will leave open for a future story.
That’s all until next week, where the scene continues…
Rampant speculation, GO!: Hmmm, the Daughter of one of MacBride’s Lieutenant’s perhaps? Or maybe the other way around and she’s one of de Valera’s. Any way one stacks it, if what happens is what I think is happening, it’s going to be a bit black. 🙁
Not that that’s a bad thing, it just is, and it’s all good story.
Not bad speculation there Azrael 😀
Bata Neart will be exploring connections with several aspects of Irish history, I which I think I’ll even be having a reference to De Valera (but that’s way—waaaay ahead in the plot). But although the comic will venture into politics now and again, I’m going to try and maintain some distance. Bata Neart should remain at it’s heart a ‘magical-girl’ web-comic 🙂
As for the girl’s motives for bringing the ghost-girl here….that’s still open, but I think it won’t be fully revealed in this chapter. I might bleed out some small details over time, eventually creating a full story behind this ghost and why she’s so interested in Ashling.