Head-smashing victory for Ashling! Erm…good thing that Aine didn’t get hit by any of the shrapnel-teeth…
Part 13: The End of my Student days
All good things come to an end they say, and alas so did my time as a manga student.
After a marathon 12 week intensive course, my Saturdays suddenly returned back to the relative normality that they had before (except now with a newborn baby). It was somewhat sad to see the end of my learning experience as Nao’s official student, but this sadness was dulled by the knowledge that I would be still be in communication with her. We had long since become friends online, and my time as a student had come after many months of working with Nao on the preparing Manga School Nakano’s online program, which is something I will continue doing.
I have expressed to Nao many times the gratitude that I have for her wisdom and kindness in showing idiots like me how to draw manga. She knows this, but I feel that it has to be said again for everyone here to know. You will find no better authority on the art of manga, nor will you find a friendlier holder of that knowledge & ability, than you will with Nao Yazawa.
If you are inclined to learn what I have learned, I would urge you with every fiber of my being, to join a course at Manga School Nakano, and learn from Nao.
This link should be all you need:
If you have any questions at all, please feel to ask me.
Next week…the final page and the Future
Flawless victory.
First Aoife, now Áine. Building that harem, eh, Ashling.
@Azrael: Harem? What is this harem you speak of? I don’t even know what that word means… *Hides copy of Love Hina behind desk*