Welcome back for another trip to Ashling….ford πŸ˜€

After all the effort to decide where her home would be in general, it was a lot easier to figure out where her house would be. Check out last weeks’s link to the Housing estate and then go down the road until it starts to bend a little. You’ll make out ‘Ashlings’ house fairly soon πŸ™‚

Now, to the reason I put all this effort in:



I was never too happy with the original page. Part of it was due to me poorly drawing out the generic housing estate I designed (based heavily on the one I lived in). Also, I wanted to do a better job realizing Ashling’s look of ‘longing’ when she peered up into the neighbors bedroom window?

Why would she be doing that, you ask? That’s another red-thread for later (sorry, I put a lot of these in my comics)

Also, I would like to introduce a new character! First shown in the original page featured and on this week’s re-draw, Mrs. Rebecca Connolly – Ashling’s Mother.

There’s a good deal of story and character development between Ashling in her mother, which I’l introduce in the next few pages. Rebecca will be a supporter to the main Bata Neart cast, and so I’m really hopeful that you get to like her πŸ˜€